It's About Time!

So glad the federal judge from Minneaapolis in the NFL labor dispute lock-out has some common sense. Who knows? Maybe she's a closet Vikings fan herself. Or maybe, just maybe, she recognizes how absoultely ridiculous this whole situation has become and has decided enough is enough.

Whatever the reason, kudos to her. And props to the NFL Players Association for pursuing a federal injunction against this absurd lock-out in the first place. Now maybe both sides -- players and owners -- can sit down and really hash this thing out like grown ups. it's gone on long enough.

With the draft looming later this week, and mini-camps not too far behind, the normally busy NFL off-season needs to crank back into gear. Without yesterday's injunction against the lock-out, the off-season would have remained a pipe dream, with players continuing to work out on their own in local high school gyms around the country. NOT a good scenario if you are a player, or more importantly, a fan. Less preparation in the off-season means weaker players and weaker games when the real season begins. These players need to practice, to work out, to prepare. Football is a year-round game these days, and preventing players from practicing in the spring means upsetting the apple cart for the entire 2011 season.

Now, maybe the players can start practicing while their representatives meet with management at the negotiation table to hash out a deal both sides can live with. Here's hoping a deal gets done sooner rather than later. Please??